Do You Continue Testing After Positive Opk

Positive OPK AFTER ovulation?!?!

Hi ladies!! I have a quick question for you,and maybe you can help me figure out or understand what's going. Here goes.. On CD13 I got a +opk all day and then on CD14 I got the strongest +opk all day and it was beyond dark at 10:30pm that night the dates were (Jan5th-6th) On CD14 with the huge spike in LH I had painful Ovulation pains,According to my calculations I was due to O'd on Saturday Jan7th..Now here's where it gets tricky.. 4,5,6 DPO I was still getting BFP on the OPK!!! WHY did this happen? I believe we missed our window because we were trying for a girl so the last time we BD was on Wed the 4th which I thought would be suitable considering the further away from ovulation the better your chances are for getting a girl,also I was reading that when your trying for a girl you should stop all intercourse when the OPK becomes + Which is what I did! Currently I'm a tad confused as to what CD I'm actually on let alone how my DPO. My last AF was 12/24/2011 with a 29-30 DC and I'm not 100% sure about the luteal phase. So since 8DPO to day roughly 12-13DPO I've been getting BFN on HPT. Needless to say I'm very discouraged and AF hasn't made her way yet!! Please keep in mind that the 12/13 DPO is a guess. Please help me with this!! I can't find ANYTHING on the internet about this

20 Replies • 10 years ago


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I also has positive opk 4 days in a row, I was also concerned about it and researched internet - everywhere it is said that once you got your positive opk, stop testing.
I ended up having positive hpt that cycle when I had 4 days of positive opk-so it might be a good sign (it may ask me whu I was using opk after the positive? - I had some left and I was planning to take a break from active ttc after that cycle, so I knew I would not need them) .. btw, I made my own experiment to prove that you cannot use opk as hpt because when i was having very strong hpt positive my opk was absolutely negative.
Good Luck!

10 years ago

If AF was 12/24 then today you would be on CD 28
and since you got a postive opk on CD13 (it could mean that CD14-15) could be ovulation days... so if we assume that and you have a typically 29-30day cycle... It seems like you maybe just test took early. ( I would wait until the day AF is suppose to be 2 days from now? and test then.

Opk's sometimes still pick up that the strong LH from ovulation, which is why you could have had more then one postive opk... (from what Ive read)

10 years ago name is Jenn too and i am getting crazy positive opks...any status? are you prego??? dying to many girls write about this but never update


10 years ago

i have had STRONG positive opks since saturday....i mean the line is like twice as dark...and not the slightest fading...
so i dunno...i bd'd on sunday...but bf is extremely sick!!!! figures!!!! im not sure if i can get him to preform today!!! they say it only takes one time...and this will be my 7th cycle trying...all six cycles i went nuts at O time...but i hae been reading its better to bd 3-4 days BEFORE your first positive OPK...and then MAYBE the day of the first positive...more luck women, i am praying and praying that this cycle...with just the one what it takes for a so now im counting down to next thursday about 10dpo to first test...even though i will prob test on 8dpo LOL///

this whole process stinks. do you have PCOS? if this doesnt going to the dr for sure for next cycle...

10 years ago

i will...this is just so depressing...iif it were this cycle..i would have the news by valentines day....which would be a blessing...and super romantic...

my periods are spot on regular, i pass all the FRER fertility i guess i miss my window....i never really focused on the few days before so much...always the day of and after...soo maybe..just maybe...this will stick...i guess i should experience implantation in a few days...or by the weekend...

i too will be going to the dr..and im so scared also scared its him (hes much older) and to have a man get tested for that...well it kills their ego and i know mine wont deal with it too well....

i hate all of this so much!

10 years ago

That is so funny that your mentioned Valentines day because not only will that make me 10DPO but also my anniversary (We'll be married for 8 yrs) I passed a FRER HPT on 10DPO with my son so if it all works out I'll be able to find out that day also!!

10 years ago • Post starter

aww thats your anniversary? welll of this AM my OPKS are still super stron positives!!!! 4days in a row!!! wtf (sorry lol)

my temps have been exactly the same real my jaw hurts when i eat...other than that i peel good...tiny cramps on lower right side... nothing i think major enought to count

10 years ago

sorry for the typos! i feel good (not peel) lol

i just wish i can go to sleep and wake up on 10dpo snow white...

10 years ago

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