American Speech Language Hearing Association Continuing Education Officers 2018

2018 TSHA Annual Conference and Exhibition

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TSHA Convention CE Credit

*Note that CE credits are currently being reviewed*

The Texas Speech-Language-Hearing Association is approved by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR) (the State Licensing Board) to sponsor continuing education activities in speech-language pathology and audiology. Continuing education credits are available when you attend the TSHA 2018 Annual Convention under certain stipulated conditions.

Verification for TSHA or ASHA credit is included with all member professionals (Active, Associate, Life) and non-member professionals.

Please note: Attendees are not eligible for CEUs at the Student Registration Rate but can request a certificate of attendance. If you are a graduate student who needs CE credits to renew your license or if you are interested in earning CEUs please register at the Professional Full Conference Rate.

This program is offered for a maximum of 2.2 ASHA CEUs (Various levels, Professional area)

Ethics Courses

This program is offered for a maximum of 1.4 ASHA CEUs (Intermediate level, Related area)

TSHA CE Credit

All programs at Convention are offered for TSHA continuing education credit. TSHA continuing education (CE) hours can be used toward renewal of your Texas license and as professional development activities for the maintenance of your ASHA Certificate of Clinical Competence (CCC).

Accreditation Statement

This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the policies of the Continuing Education Board of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA). TSHA is accredited by the ASHA CEB to provide continuing education for speech-language pathologists and audiologists.

Designation Statement

Speech-language pathologists and audiologists should only claim credits commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

Full Disclosure Policy

The Texas Speech-Language-Hearing Association is in compliance with the Continuing Education Board of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association's requirement for Transparency in Course Planning,Delivery, and Marketing and has adopted the following Full Disclosure Policy:

The Texas Speech-Language-Hearing Association's CE courses will adhere to the ASHA CEB Requirement 3. All individuals in a position to influence the content of a course to be offered for ASHA CEUs must disclose any relevant financial or non-financial relationship(s) that might affect independent involvement in the proposed CE course. Any speaker or planning committee member who refuses to disclose financial or non-financial relationships will be disqualified from participating in the planning and implementation of the course. The CE disclosure process requires completion and submission of the disclosure forms indicating no conflicts of interest or indicating relevant financial or non-financial relationships that could be perceived as a conflict of interest. This information is requested during the abstract submission process and will be disclosed to participants through statements in printed meeting materials and declared by the faculty member at the beginning of his/her presentation.

2018 TSHA Speaker Disclosures

Online CE Verification Process

All Convention CE reporting is done online. You should keep a personal record of the sessions you attend. You will log into TSHA's secure website and enter each completed session. You may return to the website as many times as you like to add more sessions or edit your session list. Completed sessions can only be entered at the conclusion of a session. All sessions must be attended in their entirety. No partial credit will be tabulated for attendance. CEs are awarded to participants as they are noted in the on-site program and mobile app. If sessions overlap in the program, they cannot be entered for credit.  If a session is shorter than stated in the program, credit is awarded as it is stated in the program. There are NO exceptions to these rules. You must report all your Convention continuing education activities by 11:59 pm Central Time, Sunday, March 18, 2018. You can Submit Your Convention Courses Here.

Disclosure Information

The planners and speakers for this activity have disclosed if they have any financial or non-financial support that could be affected by or could have an effect on the content of the presentations in this activity.

Who is eligible to earn ASHA CEUs?

Individuals who are:

  • ASHA Members (includes Life Members and International Affiliates)
  • ASHA Certificate of Clinical Competence (CCC) holders
  • Licensed by a state or provincial regulatory agency to practice speech-language pathology or audiology
  • Credentialed by a state regulatory agency to practice speech-language pathology or audiology
  • Credentialed by a national regulatory agency to practice speech-language pathology or audiology
  • Engaged in a clinical fellowship under the supervision of an individual who holds the ASHA CCC
  • Currently enrolled in a master's or doctoral program in speech-language pathology or audiology (only claim credits commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity)

Ethics Requirement

The Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR) requires a minimum of two continuing education (CE) clock hours on the topic of ethics per renewal period for your license. Get your ethics CE hours at Convention.

Instructional Level

Instructional level and content of course information are indicated in parentheses following the course title in Sessions by Strand.

Beginner: Assumes the participant has little or no knowledge within the area covered. The focus of the activity is on general orientation and increased awareness of the participant.

Intermediate: Assumes that the participant has a general familiarity with the literature and professional practice within the area covered. The focus of the activity is on increased understanding and application by the participant.

Expert: Assumes thorough familiarity with current literature and professional practice within the area covered. The focus is upon recent advances, future  directions, and research.


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