What Is the Default Font Formatting in Word 2010

Topics Map > OS and Desktop Applications > Applications > Productivity

Microsoft Word (Win) - Setting the Default Font, Font Size, and Margins

This document details how to change the default font, font size, and page margins in Word.

  • Word 2016
  • Word 2010/2013
  • Word 2007
  • Word 2003 and Word XP

Word 2016

  1. Open a new document of the template you would like to update the default settings for. In most cases, this will be Blank document.

  2. Select the expand icon underneath Home > Font as shown below.


  3. Modify the font settings as desired, then select Set As Default as shown below.


  4. Confirm the changes for all documents of this type by selecting All documents based on the Normal template and then selecting Yes.


  5. For more advanced settings, such as character spacing, select Advanced and follow the same procedure to Set As Default.


  6. To modify the default margins, select the expand button underneath Layout > Page Setup and change the settings as desired.


  7. Confirm the changes by selecting Yes when prompted to set as the default for all documents of this type.


Word 2010/2013

  1. Open a new document, click on the Home tab, click on the Font dialog box button as shown in the screenshot below, and select the Font tab.


  2. Choose the font settings that you would like to make the default and click Set As Default


  3. Select All documents based on the Normal.dotm template? and click OK to update the default for all new documents.


  4. To change Word's default page margins, click on the Page Layout tab and click on the Page Setup dialog box button as shown in the screenshot below.


  5. Set the new margins that you would like to make the default and click Set As Default


  6. Click Yes to apply the new margins to all new documents.


Word 2007

  1. Open a new document, click on the Home tab, click on the Font Dialog Box Launcher (as shown in the screenshot below) and select the Font tab.

    font dialog box launcher

  2. Select a new font and size in the Font dialog box, and then click Default.

    font dialog window

    Word will ask you if you want these changes to apply to all new documents using the "Normal template" (normal.dot).

    changes to normal template warning

  3. Click Yes to make the changes permanent. The change will apply to Word's Normal/default style and to all styles based on Normal.
  4. To change Word's default page margins, click the Page Setup Dialog Box launcher as shown in the screenshot below.

    page setup dialog box launcher

  5. The first tab should be Margins. Make your changes to the margins here, and then click Default.

    page setup dialog window

  6. Click Yes when Word asks you to confirm the changes. This warning will look exactly like the one shown above.

    Note:You can also change other settings affecting page layout (including paper orientation and line numbering) in the same dialog box.

Word 2003 and Word XP

  1. Open a new document and select Format > Font.

    Word's Font Menu

  2. Select a new font and size in the Font dialog box, and then click Default. Word will ask you if you want these changes to apply to all new documents using the "Normal template" (normal.dot).

    Word's Warning Screen

  3. Click Yes to make the changes permanent. The change will apply to Word's Normal/default style and to all styles based on Normal.
  4. To change Word's default page margins, select File > Page Setup. The first tab should be Margins, make your changes to the margins here, and then click Default.

    Word's Page Setup Menu

  5. Click Yes when Word asks you to confirm the changes. This warning will look exactly like the one shown above.

    Note: You can also change other settings affecting page layout (including paper orientation and line numbering) in the same dialog box.

Keywords: Word setting Default Font Size Margins office microsoft xp 2002 2003 2007 Suggest keywords Doc ID: 487
Owner: Jeff W. Group: DoIT Help Desk
Created: 2000-08-20 18:00 CST Updated: 2019-03-25 12:09 CST
Sites: DoIT Help Desk, Parkland College, Peking University (北大) Test KB, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, University of Illinois Unified, UW Platteville
Feedback: 1976 629 Comment Suggest a new document

What Is the Default Font Formatting in Word 2010

Source: https://kb.wisc.edu/helpdesk/page.php?id=487

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